Delilah "Houdini" Shaw

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Today Michelle and I braved to put Delilah down while she was sleeping. We decided to set her down in her swing. When she woke up she had magically removed her arm from her sleeve. It was pretty proud of her. On a more serious note I have been reading a book that is an assignment for me to read before I get to school in June. It is called "The World is Flat" By Thomas Friedman. Aside from being a very excellent book on global business and economics, it is also a great book for parents to read. I have found that the advice given to parents in this book about how to prepare children to enter the new "Flat World", which is the world where everyone has the ability to compete, has been invaluable to me. I would urge parents to pick it up and read because the advice and perspective given in this book are priceless. I know that for myself it has really had an affect on me, just ask Michelle about how I get so worked up about raising Delilah, and choosing a career myself after reading this book. Anyways pick it and read it, you will not regret it. 


Anna said...

you guys are getting braver and braver. ;) Sounds like a good book.

Cindy said...

Aren't babies adorable? I'm glad you are enjoying your little angel so much!

grandma blair said...

You are cute Collin, she really is magic. You are all going to learn so much from your schooling.

grandma blair said...

I am waiting for more entries.